
Body and mind are not completely separate. They are so well
integrated that they communicate and influence each other all
the time.

Manasa - The Psychologist

The Psychologist

It is not our fault if we have a mental health issue. However, we can
take the responsibility of dealing with it.

Body and mind are not completely separate. They are so well
integrated that they communicate and influence each other all
the time.

Manasa - The Psychologist

The Psychologist

It is not our fault if we have a mental health issue. However, we can
take the responsibility of dealing with it.

Manasa - The Psychologist

Manasa Mental Health Care

Located in Borivali West, Mumbai, we are a centre for mental health and wellbeing services. We are a team of trained psychologists who work efficiently with a variety of mental health and wellbeing related concerns. The team has psychologists specialising from both clinical and counselling backgrounds. The team is trained in all major counselling and psychotherapy approaches. The team is also trained in carrying out psychometric assessments of various aspects of human psychology.

Services Offered:

  • Anger Management
  • Aptitude Testing
  • Art and Play Therapy
  • Assessment and Therapy for Attention Deficits and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
  • Assessment and Therapy for Anxiety

  • Assessment and Therapy for depression

  • Assessment and Therapy for OCD

  • Assessment and Therapy for schizophrenia

  • Assessment and Therapy for Learning Disorders (LD)

  • Assessment for emotional difficulties in children and adolescents

  • Behavioural Assessment for children

  • Clinical assessments for all age groups
  • Family Counselling/Therapy
  • Functional Assessment for Dementia/Neuro-psychological disorders
  • Grief Counselling and Therapy
  • IQ Assessment
  • Life Skills Training

  • Neurodevelopmental assessment and Therapy

  • Psycho-social development and therapy
  • Remedial Education
  • Social Skills Training
  • Student Counselling/ College Counselling/ School Counselling
  • Therapy for Complex Traumatic Experiences
  • Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Yoga and Breath Work for Mental Well-Being


Often people avail counselling when they experience some sort of emotional distress. Sometimes, there is a clinical condition that is responsible; at other times, there is no such clinical condition. Counselling is helpful in either case. It is not necessary for one to suffer from chronic mental illness in order to get psychotherapy or counselling. However, as we begin SMART goals for therapy are established to facilitate the process.

Reach out to us and schedule an appointment. In the first session, a complete history is taken to gather clinically or otherwise relevant information. Sometimes, formal psychological assessment is recommended to set the baseline and/or confirm the diagnosis. After a few days, the next session is scheduled in which the report and/or provisional diagnosis, and recommendations for line of treatment are discussed.

Counselling is a process in which both counsellor and client collaboratively work towards a specific goal. The Counsellor helps the client to identify the goal for a specific area of concern and they work together towards achieving that goal. Goals are set across short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals for therapy. In this process, clients’ strengths and weaknesses are discussed, a roadmap to achieve goals in therapy is made, and various therapy approaches and/or techniques are used.

Yes, maintaining confidentiality is one of the most important Ethics in Counselling, and is followed sincerely by the professionals. It is of critical importance for laying the foundation for therapeutic alliance, that is the trust between the client and the therapist. There are exceptions to maintaining confidentiality in some situations; in case of threat to self, others, or property and in case of demand of the data by the law, the confidentiality can be compromised.

Each session is roughly 45 – 60 mins long, if needed some sessions can be set to be 90 mins long. However, there’s no definitive answer about the total number of sessions required, as it depends on the client’s area of concern and goals, and other mental health aspects such as mental status and diagnosis. Counselling can be terminated once the goal decided by both the counsellor and client is achieved. However, one may have follow-up sessions after the termination as and when required.

To become a qualified psychologist / psychotherapist / counsellor in India, the person must have completed at least their Masters in Psychology with specialisation in counselling psychology or clinical psychology. A person with Masters in Social Work or Human development is also qualified to provide help.
A qualified psychiatrist is a medical professional who has done MBBS and then a postgraduate degree or diploma in Psychiatry. A psychiatrist is able to prescribe medicines for treating mental disorders.
Remedial Educators have a postgraduate degree or diploma in Special Education. They provide remedial therapy for treating learning disorders.
A Life Coach has a postgraduate degree or diploma in Life Coaching or Human Sciences. They work on facilitating progressive goals of life.
Additional/Advanced training in a particular form of therapy or in skills required to treat special populations is often needed. For example, if the psychologist is trained for EMDR therapy and has attained the required supervision from the institute, can only then practise as an EMDR therapist.

Every therapist has their own unique qualities and speciality qualifications. However, it is expected that a therapist has certain basic qualities like good communication skills, empathy and being non judgmental. A good therapist or psychologist will facilitate the counselling/therapeutic process to empower and encourage the client to become self-aware and independent.

Psychological Assessment

Psychological assessment is a formal way of gathering relevant clinical information with the help of standardised tools. These tests inform the professionals about an individual’s strengths & weaknesses, personality, mental state and behaviours. Findings from these tools can confirm the diagnosis of mental health conditions, set baseline and guide therapy for an individual client.

Career assessment is an assessment of relevant psychological aspects of the individual to guide the choice for career. A holistic and comprehensive Career assessment report assesses aptitude, interest, personality, ability, etc. which guides the individual to narrow down to the best fit career choices.

Testing/Assessment tools used at Manasa:

Intelligence Development Personality Career Clinical/Psychodiagnostics
  • BKT
  • VSMS
  • VABS
  • Browns- ADD Scales
  • BASC
  • WMS
  • CARS
  • BGT
  • Conner’s Rating Scales
  • MMPI
  • MMPI-A
  • MCMI
  • MCCI
  • MACI
  • M-PACI
  • 16PF
  • HSPQ
  • TAT
  • CAT
  • DBDA
  • DAT
  • MFIQ
  • SDS
  • SPM
  • ROR
  • MMPI
  • MMPI-A
  • MCMI
  • MACI
  • M-PACI
  • ADHD testing
  • LD – WRAT

Psychotherapy and Counselling

Counselling/Psychotherapy works efficiently across the corrective, preventive, and progressive goals for an individual. In the face of an ongoing clinical condition, the focus of the therapy is to heal from the illness and move towards wellness. When there is no corrective goal warranted, the focus of the therapy can be either preventive – that is to prevent another relapse, or progressive – that is to move forward and achieve the positive goals in life. There are many schools of therapy, each bringing in the unique value to the process. The team at Manasa is trained in most of the major therapy approaches of counselling/therapy. The team makes professional choices in collaboration with the client about the line of therapy and the approaches that are needed to be employed. In addition to therapy/counselling sessions, to facilitate an effective treatment, the client may be referred to seek other professional help such as from a psychiatrist, a paediatrician, an occupational therapist, etc.

Trauma Therapy and EMDR

Mental Health, just like physical health, is geared towards health and wellbeing. For example, a small cut on a finger heals on its own, but a bigger wound in the palm may need stitches. In the same way, we overcome small emotional hassles of our lives on our own, but bigger emotional issues may need some aid to be processed adequately and adaptively. This system is hypothesised to be the Adaptive Information Processing System. Experiences that have negative emotional charge, are inadequately processed and are stored in a maladaptive way in the network of memory. Be it big or small events, it is the perception and an impact of the event that serves as TRAUMA. Psychological trauma refers not only to the presence of negative experiences, but also to the absence of positive experiences, like neglect, abandonment, and insecure attachments in the past.

Our team at Manasa Mental Health Care is trained in trauma informed approaches as well as in EMDR, one of the most recommended therapy for psychological trauma.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Psychotherapy is a method of treatment for PTSD and C-PTSD recommended by the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association. And it is widely used in the USA, Europe and many parts of Asia. EMDR psychotherapy is recommended for children, adolescents and adults with PTSD by World Health Organization (W.H.O), 2013. EMDR is widely known to treat the issues, not just PTSD, but also those that arise from past traumatic memories.

Student Counselling

The youth today feels torn apart between the morals they have learnt and the crushing reality and ruthless competition they face as they step out of their protective zone. Empathy with a non-judgmental approach is the key to work with students to understand their hurdles and develop intervention.

The School for Environment and Architecture has appointed Chintan Naik as a counsellor for their students and staff. Under the counselling cell, called Manasa, individual counselling sessions are carried out, and group workshops are conducted. A holistic approach with ideas inspired from various therapy models are successfully employed to engage the students and maintain their well-being. Strictly confidential and professional system for referrals and appointments is followed.

Career is an important part and major concern of our life. Nonetheless, with varied career choices available, career assessment and counselling becomes essential. Are you worried about which career suits you the best and caters to your needs? If yes, whether you are in 10th grade or beginning to change one’s career choices, career guidance can prove to be helpful. Career assessment and guidance includes seeking information about the individual’s aptitude, personal interests, personality traits and intelligence. The psychologist then integrates the results from these tests to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and recommends an array of career options that are apt for you. Contact us to get your career assessment done.

Manasa Mental Health Care is now associated with The Education Counselor Inc. The Education Counselor Inc. is a Canada based organisation who is working with students for more than 18 years now. They work with students across the world to facilitate their needs with study abroad. Manasa Mental Health Care works with The Education Counselor Inc. to provide psychosocial support that students require during the process. The goal of these sessions is to equip students with life skills and emotion regulation through mentoring and coaching. Life skills such as problem solving, decision making, assertiveness, resilience building and working on strengths and weaknesses of individuals are carter through this process.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is an effective therapy approach wherein individuals with similar experiences share their life experiences under the guidance of a trained and qualified therapist. The group is not only supportive but also inspires us to go beyond our roadblocks. The group discussion remains centred around the purpose of therapeutic growth of the members. The session is facilitated by an expert on the topic for the day.

Whether you are a caregiver of a person suffering from a mental health disorder, parent of a child with ADHD or learning disabilities, individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, or an Adult with Type 1 diabetes, our goal is to bring such individuals together and provide time-bound, and research-based practices that help these individuals heal together. We believe that by sharing personal experiences, several thoughts can be put into perspectives, leading individuals to heal and create a change within themselves. Our Group Therapy sessions involve our mental health professionals and individuals seeking therapy.

  • Peer-rich, supportive and encouraging environment
  • Providing and receiving positive and constructive feedback from therapists as well as the group members
  • Safety and Confidentiality is assured

No, it is not suitable for everyone. In order to have efficient group therapy sessions, the psychologist would screen the participants beforehand, who could benefit from the group work.

Professional trainings and workshops

We conduct professional training and workshops for individuals. We have held workshops for corporates on stress management and work-life balance, for educational institutions on developing Emotional and Social Intelligence in kids, and for communities for intervening in their area of concern.

Chintan’s Academic Achievements

WWith over a decade of experience in working with individuals with anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, emotional disturbance, he specializes in intervention for psychological trauma and psychosocial challenges. One of the qualities that make him stand out from other psychologists is that he creates personalized treatment plans which do not just heal the illness of the person but also takes care of the overall health of the individual, their expectations from the therapy as well as their specific needs.

Unbridled passion for work is what keeps Chintan going. He empowers people to go beyond destructive behaviours by unravelling their suffocated potential so that they can live their lives to the fullest

Academic and EMDR-specific qualifications:

  • M.A. (Psychology, Clinical) Mumbai University, India in June 2010.
  • B.A. (Psychology) Mumbai University, India in June 2008.
  • Certified EMDR Trainer (Part-1) by EMDR Asia
  • Certified EMDR practitioner, Consultant, and Trainer-in-training EMDR TR-HAP, USA
  • Certified Master NLP Practitioner, Dr William Horton’s Institute, USA
  • Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner, Centre for Positive Power, by Ameeta Shah, syllabus by Dr Garry Creig.


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Team Manasa

MA Psychology

Sanskruti A. Joshi is a practising counselling psychologist with MA in Counselling Psychology from S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai. She is also a qualified First hand responder for suicide prevention by City and Guilds of London Institute. She is a qualified Graphologist. She is also affiliated with Young India Foundation and has conducted many workshops on personality, aptitude and other life skills for school students. She has worked with more than 8 organisations including NGOs, Schools and Hospitals based in Mumbai. She has conducted more than 50 workshops on life skills and soft skills like stress management, good touch bad touch, time management, anger management, and many more for school students. She has also conducted career assessment tests like personality, aptitude and interest tests on more than 500 school students. Her strengths are individual counselling, child-parent counselling, psychological assessment and treatment.


MA Psychology

Riya Shah is a practising counselling psychologist with M.A. Psychology (Counselling) from Maniben Nanavati Women’s College, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai. She has experience in conducting psychological assessments and reporting. She is also a qualified Graphologist and Signature analyst. She has keen interest in psychometric testing, and research. She has also conducted different edutainment activities to improve educational, social and communication skills such as among tribal students at Balwadi, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai. She has also contributed in creating awareness about psychology and mental health through her college’s social media page. She is an author of a research paper titled “Relationship between Psychological well-being, Resilience, Grit, and Optimism among college students in Mumbai ” in the Journal of Psychosocial Research (APA indexed). She has worked with individuals facing concerns related to anxiety, self-esteem, anger management to name a few. Her strengths lie in assessment and testing, career counselling, and research.


MA Psychology  (Mumbai university)

EMDR certified. NLP trained.

Sony Shah has worked in close association with various mental health professionals such as eminent psychiatrists, paediatricians, special educators and occupational therapists. She has gained expertise in the field of mental health through years of experience. She has proficiency in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT), EMDR; and various forms of psychological testing such as IQ, ADHD, MMPI, ROR, etc. She also conducts seminars and workshops for patients and other health care professionals. She has also participated in national and international conferences to remain updated with recent advances in the fields.

Clinical Affiliation

Dr Manoj Bhatawdekar is a Consulting Psychiatrist in Mumbai for the last three decades. He was awarded a Gold Medal by the University of Bombay in 1986. He has been a long term Meditation Practitioner and trainer with experience of a wide range of techniques from Osho, Ancient Indian Scriptures, Buddhist /Tibetan / Japanese wisdoms.

She works from her centres in Ghatkopar and Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) in Mumbai. Her centre NIMAI Healthcare is run in liaison with psychologists who are experts in children, adults and old age mental health.

a Mumbai based Psychiatrist with special interest in Anxiety Disorder and Addiction. Dr. Rao practices in the suburb areas of Andheri (Omkar Mind Clinic), Borivali (Apex Hospital) and Bhiwandi (Vishwas Hospital) where he has selected days and timings of availability. Dr. Rao addresses a wide range of mental disorders and psychological distress issues.

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Chintan came in like a knight in shining armour. His approach was different and that helped me to explore and let go the stored polluted emotions. Chintan is very gentle, determined and committed with the sessions and the effects were deep.

Deepali Pandya Parmar

Whether you are considering therapy for the first time or feeling hopeless of trying everything, I believe you have nothing to lose and plenty to gain by seeking out a session with Chintan. He is effective, emphatic, efficient and  just fantastic at his job. I appreciate his timely help and guidance.

Mihir Upadhyay
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